Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Post 51 -- Why we must react

It's not that we should react, it is that we must react to those who are showing their unabashed support for Sarah Nyberg. After she confirmed the allegations of her being a pedophile, she went on to claim the victimhood mantle in the same slide. Her personal race to the bottom is to draw attention and support from the dysfunctional progressive movement which has willing and overwhelmingly come to support her. Kluwe, Alexander, and Chu et al. have voiced their uncritical and morally vacuous backing of Nyberg.

I must react to this to not be the complicit fool which the online social justice posse aiding Nyberg have proven themselves to be. It is not as if Nyberg has been slandered here; rather, Nyberg has openly admitted that the chat logs and conversations used by Breitbart journalist Milo Yianopolous are authentic in her own column on Medium. In it, Nyberg attempts to pivot on the accusations of being a pedophile and make the case she was an "edgelord"--a chan culture word for taking morally fringe topics as jokes. This is simply baseless and telling of how morally bankrupt Nyberg is. She not only admitted to being a pedophile, something Milo presented in a detailed manner, she also admitted to sharing pictures of her then 8-year-old cousin which those who received them stated they could see genitals.

This is no longer being edgy. This is the distribution of child pornography. The joke is over and you've gone too far. The reckless attitude she has towards the subject leaves me suspicious of her possessing any morality. Yet, the moral crusaders of the progressive movement wish to tell the general public of how we are failing to be our moral best because we still use gender specific titles and pronouns. To support Nyberg after admitting to sharing what can only be called child porn is to be complicit with Nyberg's actions and the continual actions of all other people who seek to abuse children.

Do not mistake this as hyperbole. Children are a particularly vulnerable part of the population. They rely on adults to show them right from wrong, good from bad, smart from dumb. Children have an implicit trust among their social rings: parents, siblings, family members, close friends, and certain authority figures. When it was found out that the child rape problem within the Catholic church was not simply a few isolated cases but a worldwide effort to harbor and protect child rapists as lead up by the previous Pope, strong Catholics began to question the Church's moral integrity. Priests and Bishops exploited the implicit trust that the children had, abusing them in the most sickening of ways. The Church did not excommunicate a single one of Priests implicated. Now we have the same problem, albeit on a smaller scale, in the social justice progressive movement.

Nyberg did exactly what the child raping Catholic Priests did: used a child's trust in them to get close. Thankfully, Nyberg was unable to abuse her favorite cousin, mostly because of the wise actions by the young girl's parents to never leave Nyberg unsupervised around her. But even after these revelations, people are still supporting Nyberg!

Supporting a person who exploits children for their own sexual gain is supporting a system which there are a tragically large number of people involved. To support Nyberg is to support the Jared Fogles and Jerry Sanduskys. To support them is to support the multitudes of other faceless predators who pray on children's innocence and trust. And just like those Catholics who forgave the Church for its role in protecting child rapists, the social justice community is falling in line as pedophile apologists, simply to protect the ends of the movement.

Here is where we can celebrate free speech, though. If we were to criminalize speaking about child abuse, we would never have learned of the large support base for it in the social justice world. I am sure there are many progressives who are sickened both by Nyberg and by her supporters, but it will likely take a day or two for them to gather their thoughts and write their rebukes against being called pedophile apologists. Until then, those of us who view the progressive movement as a cancer in society can point to yet another example of the moral failings of its core and how it is so willing to justify and means as long as the movement achieves its ends.

The ends du jour are those of trans-person rights, something Nyberg is failing to hide behind.

This has been an unedited rant. @nrokchi

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