Monday, November 30, 2015

Post 58 -- Goals, not fully trivial.

I have a goal. It isn't a glorious one or even one that most people wish to attain. Thus far I have been successful in working my way to some of my goals, while others have been re-assessed and pushed to different priorities.

Workouts continue. As November 30, I am at 85% attendance rate at the gym (or doing a workout in general). Sacrifice and discipline. Some days I hate it; exhausted, beaten up, and unwilling to endure another session of sweat and discomfort. Thankfully, I appreciate a more eudaimonic lifestyle: small sacrifice now, by way of calories, sweat, and time, and crucial benefits later. When it comes to workouts, this is no different.

Back in March of 2013, there was an incident with a piano and myself. About 900 lbs of piano toppled my direction during the unload of it. The downward force, which I did not drop, extended my back while compressing it with enough force to blow out three discs. A recent re-aggravation made my belief about the matter only more apparent. Obesity--hell, even slightly overweight--is only going to turn my life in a ceaseless torment of back spasms, increased nerve pain, and would accelerate the pesky problem of arthritis in my post-surgical joint.

Humble-brag aside, I wanted to illustrate the power of discipline when it comes to attaining goals. My goal of being fit is not something that will persist once "achieved". I must pursue it--endlessly so. Stoically. At times, tirelessly, or at least by way of mental fortitude.

This concept and habit of mine has been utilized in other areas of my life. For now, rather than boring you, my dear reader, I want to put the lens on the another goal, the one vaguely alluded to at the start. I wish to join The Rationalists. It isn't something which can merely be applied for and accepted on mere principle. Quite the opposite: it appears one must have a consistent, high quality production of predominately YouTube videos.

This is a mountain, just not an impossible one. It can be climbed, but first I must have my footing. Do not take this as a letter of intent for the pursuit. Not at all--just me, looking into a mirror, stating what I want.

This has been an unedited rant. Come talk to me on Twitter: @nrokchi

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