Thursday, January 29, 2015

Post 27 -- Thoughts from exposure to random idiocy.

A bit of free time has resulted in boredom. Want to write down a few thoughts, maybe a loose road map for the next couple of posts.

First, the latest installment of King of Pol. KoP posted a video on his YouTube account recently which details his final thoughts on #GamerGate. In it, KoP stated he started medication to help him cope with the stresses that came from being a prominent member in #GamerGate. He claims #GamerGate is a 50/50 split of good and evil people who employ the detestable actions of doxxing, threats, and dog piling. KoP sounded different, spoke differently, and approached his final thoughts in a passive aggressive manner fit only for a princess of a time past.

KoP came across as conspiratorial, afraid, aloof, and feigned indifference. He was contradictory in his statements. KoP wished the money which was earned--predominately to support charity events--was spent on advertising and class action law suits. Claims of the entire movement being hypocritical because of a non-contentious point. These points begin to coalesce a picture of KoP as he was throughout the #GamerGate campaign: driven and ambitious when on the battlefield, but broken and lost when on the sidelines. A shame, because KoP had a platform, just as Internet Aristocrat had, but was unable to withstand the mild discomfort of people mocking and attacking him. KoP was never a stoic, never "tough", and most certainly was not the alpha he claimed to be; rather, KoP was the beta he was derided for, he picked fights based on imagined harms and offenses, and KoP basked, when it was bright and warm, in the attention from his followers. Now, he's broken, diminished, and likely to be slowly forgotten as he attempts to stay with game reviews.

Final thoughts on King of Pol: KoP is done as a figure for anything. It is assumed, based on statements made by KoP, that he is a psychiatric nurse. If his behaviour from his streams is anything like his behaviour at his job then I believe KoP run into significant issues with his employer. Any mental health professional (something which I can claim to be) knows about "power struggles" and why they are to always be avoided. Much of were KoP has ended up is likely because of pressures from his job mixed with his inability to maintain composure when he needed to most. Best of luck, KoP.

HannibaltheVictor13 is an interesting name that I first came across when Sargon of Akkad did a response video to Hannibal's challenge of Sargon's understanding of viking shield maidens. More recently, Hannibal was featured on Thunderf00t's channel after Hannibal made yet another funny video directed to Thunderf00t. In it, Hannibal opens by threatening Thunderf00t. In his follow up video, Hannibal claims that if Thunderf00t believed it to be a threat, to go to the authorities (and that Hannibal, who has chosen to not go to the authorities) would drop highly incriminating evidence on Thunderf00t. One would think, if Hannibal's desire was to "fuck [Thunderf00t] over, even if it is the last thing [he] does.", Hannibal would not hesitate to either file charges to pass tips to law enforcement.

Of course, this was no threat. Why? Simple: Hannibal is a rage laden fool. He lacks integrity, discipline, and honor. Hannibal poses the greatest threat to himself as long he possess these attributes. Hannibal admits he once became intoxicated to the point that he was either arrested or escorted home by police after he was found on a dirt road wielding a sword and threatening stalks of corn. This event gave Thunderf00t great insight into what kind of threats can be made by the portly Hannibal.

Internet drama is excellent when one needs to kill some boredom.

I would like to write an article on what I'm calling "The Progressive Bubble". How ultra progressive policies and demands have created a dangerous bubble in our social structure. When it bursts, there will be significant damage and upheaval. I need to flesh out a few more ideas on the matter to make it somewhat coherent.

I will change the blog name soon to reflect how I view the world, and adding in posts on how one can achieve a more stoic life. I have recently gained new employment, so my free time has changed. However, I still wish to write and will do so when I have well developed ideas and not just because my fingers need to move.

This has been an unedited rant. @nrokchi

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