Thursday, January 8, 2015

Post 24 -- "We're two steps out of the jungle, not two steps from utopia."

I have used that quote a few times in discussions to highlight several crucial points about human interactions, psychology, and biology. There are many people who go well out of their way to make the point that there are no differences between genders or sexes. Rather, all gender or sex characteristics are culturally driven, receiving no input from biological factors. Moreover, not only are our minds tabula rasa, emphasizing that out personalities are as well. This belief structure is then cloaked in a rather simple defensive strategy: "agree with us or you are a sexist". Why that approach? Well, it's one based on a experience, considering the research in sex differences from the early 1900s, which seemed to regularly come to the conclusion that the sexes were different and that men were better. The current efforts, however, are directed by honest inquiry, looking into the specific differences without placing an overarching value factor. For example, let's briefly look at spatial ability between men and women.

Men tend to have better spatial ability then women. That is, men are quicker at identifying trajectories of moving objects, avoiding distractors or blocks in left/right reaction tests, and navigating mazes than women. Many of these differences do disappear or are diminished once time constraints are removed. But this is only most men and most women. It is by no means all men and all women, an important distinction when dealing with gender activists. There are some traits which more men possess that assist men in some tasks. Strong spatial awareness skills, which come from well developed structures in the occipital and parietal lobes and much practice, allowed our early ancestors to hunt more effectively. Food meant survival and survival meant the passing on of genes. That's the element of biology.

Notice how this research looks at how a brain works, not how women's brains are less superior to men. Modern science is far better regulated than it was in the 1900s. This has not changed the minds of gender activists, though. They are more than willing to label someone as a sexist for investigating innate differences in brains and behaviors between men and women. It is part of the SJWs 3 S System: shame, scare, and silence. This technique worked well enough to get the man who landed a probe on a comet to apologize for his shirt choice during the event.

This did get me thinking. Something clicked during some YouTube browsing. A SJW made some comment about humans not being born with prejudice. Bam! This was a position I held for a long time, but it is in direct opposition to with my statements regarding innate elements of human biology, physiology, psychology, and development. In fact, we are born with pre-set prejudice. This simple element allowed certain tribes to protect themselves from other tribes, whether out of fear of being killed or the strange and random horrific deaths that would follow recent contact with new tribes (which we now understand as disease and the germ theory of disease). These are born-in states for us to inherently adhere to the in-group and either hate or fear the out-group.

One measure one can use to determine if he/she is a good person is to see if he/she have overcome their inherent tribalism, his/her hate or fear of the out-group. Many people do, although it is a struggle. Just as we can learn to hate certain people, we can learn to love all people. Learn that this struggle isn't "us versus them". Rather, this struggle is only us and us versus ourselves. To rise above tribalism is a great feat, not one yet mastered by the majority.

SJWs are one group who have failed to break out of their lowly origins. Rather than breaking the biological shackles of prejudice, they have decided to call those chains jewelry, and celebrate all who wear them. In effect, SJWs have created a culture for themselves to by the righteous in-group, craft strawmen which represent almost no one, and generalize to the out-group, calling all men 'sexists', all whites 'racist', all straight people 'homophobic' or 'transphobic'. These people are no better than our ancestors who fought over different interpretations of scripture, willfully destroying themselves in an effort to silence the others.

We barely evolved enough to create a society as vast as ours today. We are a global civilization. The challenges which lay ahead for us are great individual barriers. Can each member of our society break away from our very biological evolution and end our prejudice? The very people who are the most vocal about social justice couldn't. I do not despair, though: I think we will be able to connect with most of those social justice warriors. Even dialogue and discourse will win out. The tactics used to convey this message will matter: do we subvert our message to accommodate their offense, or do we remain even, honest, and sincere?

This has been an unedited rant. @nrokchi

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