Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Post 41.5 -- Oliver Campbell's big stand and his personal ethics.

I happily started my day with a post mocking the antics of Oliver Campbell and how he saw fit to call out the host and organizer of the Society of Professional Journalism's AirPlay event. To the best of my knowledge, the series of events broke down as such: Koretzky posted his Update 5, where the time given to the introduction to GamerGate was 15 minutes. This conflicted with Update 3, where he laid out the days events allotting 50 minutes to the introduction. A bit of rounding is required here, so those concerned called for the return of the hour slot for introduction.

After the Update 5, Campbell, Ceb, and Bokhari joined into a Skype conversation about the change. In Update 6, Koretzky points out that it was only Ceb and Campbell who had an issue with the change, and requested/demanded it return to the hour long slot. This Skype conversation, which started with Koretzky, lead to a fever pitch of self-righteous fervor over whether or not any change pertaining to the panelists was allowed to go public before it was shown to the panelists themselves.

Once the group was sufficiently burdened with pitch forks and torches, Koretzky join. Joined into being yelled at by Campbell. A long conversation ensued. Campbell left at some point, leaving Koretzky with Ceb and Bokhari, who attempted, by Koretzky's and Ceb's opinion, to smooth things over (see Update 6 and Campbell's line-by-line complaint on the matter).

Now, as someone who also suffers from chronic pain, I can understand how sometimes the planets align, leaving me in a great deal of discomfort and in an emotionally drained state prior to an argument. This may have been a factor for Campbell. What I fail to understand is how after a night's rest and time to reflect, Campbell still feels as if he's owed an apology from Koretzky for misrepresenting a quote or two.

Campbell focused in on how Koretzky misinterpreted Campbell's own statement of "my wife wants to kick your ass", with Campbell claiming that wasn't said in that manner. I bring this up because it illustrates the very thing wrong with Campbell's mindset: it is all about the minor details to build the story, and not about the broad understanding of the issues at hand. Campbell took personal offense that Update 6 came to be, which I think Koretzky was right to post.

Why? Simple: GamerGate calls for transparency for journalists every chance it can. The movement wants to know what is going on in the back rooms and secret Skype groups for journalists so it can demonstrate the unethical and poor behavior of those journalists. Yet, when it is GamerGate supporters and panelists for a journalist event who are the ones with the poor behavior, suddenly a litany of people want a clear separation between privacy and transparency on business discussions.

Campbell has said he is not going to be going to AirPlay after this. Good, he isn't fit to represent the movement's ideals or goals if this is how he handles minor changes to scheduling. Yet, Campbell is parading around Twitter demanding apologies and forgiveness from Koretzky for even daring to mention the word "wife" as it relates to Campbell's. For someone who has bowed out of the event, he sure is spitting a lot of fire back.

No love lost on me. I was quick to point out Campbell's failings and idiotic demands for apologies. Which has since landed me squarely on his blocked list. Shows the mettle of his character that small slights against him can lead to such personal turmoil.

This has been an unedited rant. @nrokchi

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