Monday, July 20, 2015

Post 42 -- A small, self-oriented project

After the fun of writing on the failings of Oliver Campbell to draw attention away from Michael Koretzky's AirPlay, I was graced with a wonderfully long and in depth discussion between Koretzky, Bokhari, and Sargon of Akkad. There is a lot in it, and is well worth the watch. Go now, put in headphones, listen to it while you clean your house... and walk the dog... and clean out your car... and repaint the house: VIDEO HERE!

That aside, I want to talk about something else here. As the title indicates, I want to work on a few things that involve me. How myopic. The purpose of this small exercise is to, as it also relates to the method I will be using, write down what my aims are over some coming periods of time. I am not a young man, but I am not middle-aged yet; I have had my time making mistakes and being arrogant to my mental abilities with tasks, goals, and objectives--most of which come up, are forgotten, and are not remembered later.

So now I'm about to change that. I will be writing more in a small book. The goal of this is three fold: to plan out my days with the vital things that must be done, to add in smart, additional elements of my day that I should get done, and to unload my mind of carrying all tasks, commitments, and goals with it throughout the day. By planning out my day, I know what is next and what to expect. Setting aside time is a nice thought for a flexible day, but isn't always how it works out. On more than one occasion in my life, I have been lost into video games attempting to get particular task down, which spills over the pre-set soft time limit. No more of that.

To specifics are simple: what are the things during my day that I must get done: work, laundry, house cleaning, oil change, plan a party, etc. Adding those elements in first to my schedule helps me have a plan of how to approach each task. Next I will be adding in the filler events: and hour for writing around 1000 words, workout for about an hour, work on organization the Pathfinder game I'm playing with my wife's brother Taylor. Get those planned out then execute. If I do this at the start of the day when my mind is loose and ready, I can then follow the plan to success.

There is one vital element to this, though: at the end of each day, I am to write down the thoughts, ideas, missed opportunities, failed tasks, successes, and pleasures to be sought. By doing so, I will unburden my brain of these thoughts. The next morning, I can assess those brain dump notes from the night before and ponder how to add them into my day or week. This works for small things like cleaning out the litter box to great things like finishing a book--both real goals I want to accomplish.

There just isn't enough time in a single day to juggle all the commitments we have. It is best to plan out the day to make it possible to address as many of them as possible without doing so in a frantic or grudging manner. I do not want stress or fatigue to dictate how successful I am as a person. Instead, I want discipline, planning, and a goal-oriented mindset to determine that.

Now for a brain dump here of some of the things I would like to get done, broken down by the week, month, and the year.

This week: get the roll20 stuff organized to game with Taylor; move out of the Tiger 1 or JagdPz IV to the next tank in WoT; house clean and laundry; organize new note book to start with daily brain dumps; 4 more gym trips; tentative workout plan; cool spot for a dinner out with Amelia; write 2 more blog posts; find a commuter bike.

By the end of August: school research done; hit 190lbs, while benching 190lbs; customize and set up phone; play through the campaign with Taylor; plan out events to do with mum while she's in North Carolina; think about writing a book and how to approach it.

By the end of the year: be at 190 to 195lbs of fitness; starting writing a book, even if it is garbage and stupid and pointless; aim to get into classes no later than the new year to work towards Physician Assistant school; design/plan a tattoo.

There we go, a nice lay out brain dump of some things I want to get done. It wasn't a complex laxative-inspired effort, so there is probably some stuff still up in there. Nonetheless, great start, and hope people who read this might consider trying it themselves.

This has been an unedited rant. @nrokchi

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