Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Post 14

Small post regarding Arthur Chu (@arthur_affect), Jeopardy champion and blogger with The Daily Beast.

Chu has inserted himself into #GamerGate simply because he is smart enough to recognize the publicity an established blogger can gain. #GamerGate continues to forge ahead, creating headlines. Bloggers ingest those happenings to turn a dollar for themselves. Good on them for finding a market to do that in, but understand that does not make them an important figure, either pro- or anti-#GamerGate.

Chu is a publicity parasite. He does not understand what #GamerGate is, only what his editor wants the narrative to be. That's why when challenged by David Pakman on The David Pakman Show on why someone like Quinn is important when only the opposition to #GamerGate is talking about her, Chu responded poorly by continuing to talk about Quinn and not why she is only discussed by the anti-#GamerGate position. Why did he do this? He's only smart enough, which doesn't make him smart. Sure, he has a trivia brain, but that doesn't mean he's smart.

Chu isn't worth the number of words I've already laid out here. He wants his name used so people come to his blog. Whether #GamerGate is successful or not, Chu does not care. It's a story generating headlines that he gets to write about.

That is what we like to call a bona fide shill.

This was an unedited rant. @nrokchi

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