Thursday, November 6, 2014

Post 16

Yesterday I wrote on KingofPol's Nick Denton leak. Like the good people of #GamerGate, we don't "listen and believe", we "TRUST BUT VERIFY".

Fredrick Brennan, creator of Infinite Chan and close friend with KingofPol, had a conversation with KingofPol regarding the Denton leak. In the Skype logs, Pol claims his source for the information is Editor in Chief of Kotaku Stephen Totilo. Fredrick took what Pol was willing to share to Milo Yianopolous for verification.

Well, it didn't look good. Milo was unable to verify the provided information to him from Pol.

Fredrick pressed Pol for a clear and obvious source for the leak. Pol refused until Fredrick threaten a blog post (the one this information is derived from) outing him as a liar. Eventually, Pol shared the email he received from the source. Turns out, it wasn't Totilo. It was from a person with the name Rachael Morris, using the email address ""

Fredrick attempted to contact this person via the email, but received a SMTP error (i.e., email doesn't exist). I wouldn't try it now, simply because some shill will have created it.

This is most likely manufactured. While it is still possible that it is real, it is most likely pointing to false. The question now follows: who manufactured it? There are three possibilities.
1. Pol manufactured this. Many reasons as to why he would did this, including self promotion. What purpose does this serve? He could have done it to create a morale boost.
2. It was manufactured by someone close to him, knowing his current state. For those of you who don't know, Pol is a psych nurse that does shift work. As I write this, he's currently working an overnight. Pol's full burn over the last several weeks on #GamerGate, plus full time work, several side projects, and getting work outs in (including selfies) leaves a man without much energy, potentially compromising his otherwise strong mental faculties.
3. Pol's personality and countless hours spent on /pol/ has resulted in a mindset that appears to be learned but is actually credulous. Pol's willingness to believe, requiring a low threshold of veracity of evidence, has him chasing wisps. An example of this is the re-hashing of the secret Skype group I mentioned in my previous post, where he believes the secret Skype groups of people are all going to be for nefarious purposes.

I personally believe it is a mix between 2 and 3. What makes his situation worse is he is being called out for this and he won't just let it go so he can take a break. He needs distance from this. He's being played by people from all sides. I'm not going to be one of them.

Pol did not lie, as he felt his information was true. To lie is to knowingly convey misinformation with the purpose to deceive. Pol was tricked, believed the information wholly, and attempted to play flag bearer of #GamerGate once again with what could have been a major story. It is clear there are people out there who are attempting to de-base Pol with these tactics. It's expected at this point.

I would like the opportunity to speak with Pol privately about this to see if my analysis is true. Unfortunately, Pol will most likely be more guarded over the coming several days as he's removed himself from #GamerGate because of his belief of shill/nefarious secret Skype groups.

Last point: do not lose your faith in Pol. We know people have doxxed him. We know he's a target. Those who are brave will support him.

This was an unedited rant. @nrokchi

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